
  • 20 Sep

    League Standings Available Online at SBUSBC.org

    Want to know how your team bowled? Want to see who you will be matched against next week? Your standings for all Zodo’s bowling leagues have a new home here at the SB USBC Association web site!

    Updated standings will generally be posted within a few days of your league competition.

    Visit the League Standings page for the full schedule of leagues and to view your standing sheets.


  • 07 Sep

    Leagues are Back at Zodo’s September 2021!

    We’re excited to report that Fall bowling leagues started up again at Zodo’s in early September.

    There are still a few spots available, and always opportunities for subs. Stop by the bowling desk at Zodo’s, or call Charity Rice at 805.967.0128 for more information and to sign up.

    If you haven’t heard, Zodo’s is under new ownership — Bowlero took over in mid-June 2021. Visit the Bowlero web site for additional information.